Sermon Files

Sermon Files

Displaying 551 - 575 of 1115

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/06/17 New Covenant People Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-08-06-am_newcovenantpeople.pptx 2017-08-06-am_newcovenantpeople.pdf 2017-08-06-am_newcovenantpeople.mp3
08/06/17 Conscience Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-08-06-pm_conscience.ppt 2017-08-06-pm_conscience.pdf 2017-08-06-pm_conscience.mp3
07/09/17 Show Us A Sign From Heaven Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-07-09-am_showusasignfromheaven.pptx 2017-07-09-am_showusasignfromheaven.pdf 2017-07-09-am_showusasignfromheaven.mp3
07/02/17 John's Baptism - Mark 1 Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-07-02-am_johnsbaptism.pptx 2017-07-02-am_johnsbaptism.pdf 2017-07-02-am_johnsbaptism.mp3
07/02/17 Kingdom Parables Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-07-02-pm_kingdomparables.pptx 2017-07-02-pm_kingdomparables.pdf 2017-07-02-pm_kingdomparables.mp3
06/25/17 How do you read it? Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-06-25-am_howdoyoureadit.mp3 2017-06-25-am_howdoyoureadit.pptx 2017-06-25-am_howdoyoureadit.pdf
06/25/17 Parable of the Unrighteous Steward Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-06-25-pm_parableoftheunrighteoussteward.mp3 2017-06-25-pm_parableoftheunrighteoussteward.pptx 2017-06-25-pm_parableoftheunrighteoussteward.pdf
06/18/17 Parables in Luke 15 Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-06-18-am_parablesinluke15.mp3
06/18/17 Our Amazing God - Ezekiel 20 Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-06-18-pm_ouramazinggodezekiel20.mp3
06/11/17 Elders and the Local Church Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-06-11-am_elders.pdf 2017-06-11-am_elders.pptx 2017-06-11-am_elders.mp3
04/16/17 Jesus Was Raised Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-04-16-am_jesuswasraised.pptx 2017-04-16-am_jesuswasraised.pdf 2017-04-16-am_jesuswasraised.mp3
04/12/17 Keeping Our Balance in This Corrupting Culture Buddy Payne Sermon Gospel Meeting - Buddy Payne Gospel Meeting 2017-04-12-pm_keepingourbalanceinthiscorruptingculture.mp3 2017-04-12-pm_keepingourbalanceinthiscorruptingculture.pdf 2017-04-12-pm_keepingourbalanceinthiscorruptingculture.ppt
04/11/17 Our Culture's Attack on Marriage Buddy Payne Sermon Gospel Meeting - Buddy Payne Gospel Meeting 2017-04-11-pm_christiansfacingaco.mp3 2017-04-11-pmchristiansfacingacorruptingculture.ppt 2017-04-11-pmchristiansfacingacorruptingculture.pdf
04/10/17 Is is Reasonable to Believe in God in this Scientific Age? Buddy Payne Sermon Gospel Meeting - Buddy Payne Gospel Meeting 2017-04-10-pm_ourgodheIsalive.mp3 2017-04-10-pm_ourgodheIsalive.ppt 2017-04-10-pm_ourgodheIsalive.pdf
04/09/17 To Pray and Not Lose Heart Buddy Payne Class Gospel Meeting - Buddy Payne Gospel Meeting 2017-04-09-class_toprayandnottoloseheart.mp3 2017-04-09-class_toprayandnottoloseheart.pdf 2017-04-09-class_toprayandnottoloseheart.ppt
04/09/17 Citizens of the Kingdom of God Buddy Payne Sermon Gospel Meeting - Buddy Payne Sun AM 2017-04-09-am_citizensinthekingdomofgod.mp3 2017-04-09-am_citizensinthekingdomofchrist.ppt 2017-04-09-am_citizensinthekingdomofchrist.pdf
04/09/17 Christians as Citizens of the USA Buddy Payne Sermon Gospel Meeting - Buddy Payne Sun PM 2017-04-09-pm_christiansascitizensoftheusa.mp3 2017-04-09-pm_christiansascitizensoftheusa.ppt 2017-04-09-pm_christiansascitizensoftheusa.pdf
04/02/17 Ready to Listen Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-04-02-am_readytolisten.mp3
04/02/17 Wisdom of God Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-04-02-pm_wisdomofgod.mp3
03/26/17 Advice from Joshua Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-03-26-am_advicefromjoshua.mp3
03/26/17 Dealing with Doubt Brenden Ashby Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-03-26-pm_dealingwithdoubt.mp3
03/19/17 Forgiving Self - Christ came to save sinners Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-03-19-pm_christcametosavesinners.mp3 2017-03-19-pm_christcametosavesinners.pptx 2017-03-19-pm_christcametosavesinners.pdf
03/12/17 What can wash away my sins? Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-03-12-am_whatcanwasawaymysins.pptx 2017-03-12-am_whatcanwasawaymysins.pdf 2017-03-12-am_whatcanwasawaymysins.mp3
03/05/17 I want to be saved like Abraham was Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017-03-05-am_iwanttobesavedlikeabrahamwas.pdf 2017-03-05-am_iwanttobesavedlikeabrahamwas.pptx 2017-03-05-am_iwanttobesavedlikeabrahamwas.mp3
03/05/17 Regular things the bible bans but we still do Hugh DeLong Sermon N/A Sun PM 2017-03-05-pm_regularthingsthebiblebansbutwestilldo.pptx 2017-03-05-pm_regularthingsthebiblebansbutwestilldo.pdf 2017-03-05-pm_regularthingsthebiblebansbutwestilldo.mp3

Displaying 551 - 575 of 1115

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